January 30, 2023
This will be the final article posted here at The Deconverted Man, at least for the time being.
Beyond this, I may pop in every now and then to write about something that comes to mind, but those articles will be sporadic—nothing like the rigid posting schedule I’ve kept up since this website’s inception.
I’ve written several times before that continuing to talk about, think about, and debate about religion after you’ve stopped believing is still a low-key way of giving away even more of your time and life to religion when it’s already consumed enough. I understand that a certain amount of processing has to happen after you stop believing (“deconstruction” is the term), and this website has been a place for me to do that.
However, I’ve also written several times that there should be a time when you eventually move on from it all. Meaning the bulk of the processing and thinking and reflecting is done, and there just doesn’t seem to be much point in hashing it out anymore. That time is better spent exploring other aspects of life that have nothing to do with religion.
That’s the point I’ve arrived at. Evangelical Christianity was a huge part of my past and played a big part in shaping who I am today (both the good aspects and the bad). I’ve deconstructed, and it’s time to move on. There are so many other things in the world and in life to experience, think about, and to write about.
I’ll leave this website up indefinitely. I’m proud of the work I’ve done here and I think it’s a valuable resource to those who may find it later.
If you’ve been following along, thank you for reading.
If you’ve found this website after this article was posted—welcome! Below you’ll find a list of links to what I think are my best articles, should you want to explore.
I’ve written before how deconstructing your faith and leaving religion is a lot more than simply ceasing to believe in God and religious dogma. Because most people have their entire lives wrapped up in the Church and religion, leaving the Church also damages the practical aspects of their lives as well. Specifically, it damages the seven main life areas: money, health, family, social life, hobbies, relationships, and spirituality.
Because of this, I’ve written about each of these topics in detail:
3 Ways Religion Damages Your Financial Life
Affording Your New, Post-Religion Life
3 Ways Religion Damages Your Health
Physical Strength and Faith Deconstruction
Mental Health & Faith Deconstruction
3 Ways Religion Damages Your Family Part 1
3 Ways Religion Damages Your Family Part 2
Social Life
3 Ways Religion Damages Your Social Life
How To Build a New (and Better) Community of Friends as a Deconverted Man
3 Ways Religion Damages Your Hobbies
How the Church Screws Over Creative People
3 Positive, Masculine Hobbies for Recently Deconverted Men
3 Ways Religion Damages Your Relationships
3 Ways Purity Culture Harms Men
Is Casual Dating Actually Harmful Like the Church Warned?
Should You Make Up For Lost Time?
3 Ways Religion Damages Your Spirituality
What It Means to Be in Alignment
What It Means to Raise Your Consciousness
I’ve covered a lot more than the practical aspects of the seven life areas. Here are some more articles that I would consider the “best of the blog” that contain some insights that were very important to me during my deconstruction:
If You Can Deconstruct Your Faith, Then You Can Deconstruct Everything Else
One of the Biggest Issues With Religion (That’s Rarely Talked About)
A Knowledge Differential Creates a Power Differential
Travel Will Help You Deconvert
How To View Attachments In Your Life
Intuition & The Deconverted Man
When is it Time to Move on From Deconstruction?
Leaving Religion Means Taking Personal Responsibility
Faith Deconstruction and The Hero’s Journey
This website isn’t all about me. It’s more about you and your deconstruction journey. That being said, if you want to know more about me and my story, here are the best articles to read:
How My Belief in Christianity Slowly Fell Away
Finally, if you want to dive really deep, the best way to do that is to check out my book. It’s called The Deconverted Man: A Guide to Happiness, Freedom, and Purpose After Leaving Fundamentalist Religion.
In it, I give step-by-step practical advice for putting your life back together after leaving religion, honing in on the seven life areas that I mentioned above.
It’s available in both ebook and paperback formats. To check it out, click here.
Although I’ll no longer be posting here, I’ll still keep an eye on the website and my social media and respond to comments.
If you have any questions or need me for any reason, please don’t hesitate to get into contact with me.
Once again, thank you for taking the time to check out my work. I wish you the best on your own deconstruction journey.
— Chase
The Deconverted Man